About ILJP

The Illinois Justice Project (ILJP) advances policing and practices that reduce violence, decrease prison recidivism and make the criminal legal system more equitable.


1 South Dearborn Street, Suite 1510, Chicago, IL 60603

 – info@iljp.org

For media inquiries, contact Annie Sweeney at annie@iljp.org


We work to develop meaningful, effective criminal legal system reforms that create opportunity and positive outcomes for youth, adults, and communities.


We seek to build a set of values that will create a criminal legal system true to the American promise of fairness and justice for all its people, regardless of race, class, or financial status.


We convene diverse groups of partners to identify pathways to reform and work to ensure those most directly impacted by the system advance the policy.


We believe hard work and collaboration will get us there.